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Widgets and Tweaks

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4.05/5 (39 votes)

Get greater location data from your UniAW_XH2
widget by adding this expansion doc.
Years in the making and refining by NewD.
For Google stuff you must get an API key
from their developer website at:
Google will be free for a year but you must still set up
a billing account with them. 
But try the Yahoo first. No Api Key needed
Lots of extra neighborhood data.
Make sure ShowAddress and moreaddress
are set to true in config.js as well as
PreferYahoo switch is on.

If you prefer the faster location updating
WidgetWeather3.6 offered. Reinstall WW,
and in the Extras Section of WW Settings
Turn off all switches but WriteData
and myLocation. Then set the new 
useWW line in Config_extra.js to "true"..
and watch your location data in UniAW_XH2
update as quickly as when we used WW.
Don't set the update interval for less than
60 second or so. And if it doesn't work at first
Just reinstall this expander after myLocation button
get turned on as the install of this package
will put a symlink to the myLocation.txt file in:
var/mobile/Library which is necessary

Questions: join NewD's server-

1.0.4 -- Yahoo changed their response call tree again. I'm sure you've been seeing UNDEFINED for last 24-48 hours. Sorry about that. All fixed here and a new 'asyncsetting' for you to change if you're using Google and find any slowness in your widget loading. "false" is best. But "true" if the widget hangs at all.

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